The Smokehouse Apple Tree Is Great For Small Farmers

Whether you are new to the apple growing game or a seasoned veteran, Smokehouse apple should be on your to-do list. These apples are as much loved for their delicious flavor as they are for being reliable and productive.

Their ease of work makes them great for small farmers, and their productivity makes them an attractive commercial product.

If you think Smokehouse apple is something you care about, you’ve come to the right place!

History of Smokehouse Apple

Smokehouse Apple’s birthplace also happens to be home to one of the largest Amish communities in the United States. Lancaster, Pennsylvania is known as the center of the Amish, but it is also known for having one of the best apple-growing communities in America. While Lancaster is now where most smoking houses are grown, the first tree was actually planted in Millcreek, Pennsylvania.

Smokehouse apples were first introduced to the market in 1837, making them one of the oldest heirlooms still grown today. The apple is so named because it was first seen growing near the Smokehouse of William Gibbons in the early 19th century.

Smokehouse Apple Features

The Smokehouse apple is also called the Vandevere Smokehouse and the English Gibbons is an heirloom apple. The tree itself is very strong, productive, and adaptable. Although it was originally grown only in the North and Midwest, smoking houses can also be grown in the southern states.

Apples range in size from medium to large and usually have a conical, spherical shape. The skin turns green to yellow and often has red flushes and hints of streaks. You will also see large lenses tan on the surface of the skin. Beneath this colorful outer crust lies a whitish, yellowish flesh that is juicy, tender, and just waiting to be enjoyed!

Flavor Profile

Smokehouse apples have a unique flavor and are often described as crunchy, sweet, and flavorful. It usually has a mild caramel flavor. The Smokehouse apple is very strong but pleasant and smells like fresh apple juice when you first bite it.

Smokehouse Apple Couples

Due to their flavor and aroma, these apples are perfect for caramel apples, cider, or plain. It also stores well, making it a good candidate for canning or turning into apples. They’re great when paired with blueberries, pears, and cheddar cheese.

Cooking with these apples

Smokehouse apples are a favorite for baked goods, cider, and many things that contain apples. They are usually the focal point of pies, apple chips, muffins, apple pies, and apple cores. Here are some of the top recipes with which you can use this delicious apple.

Baked oatmeal with apple

Apple sauce cookies

apple pies

The perfect apple pie

apple sauce

Smokehouse apple is also great when paired with savory meats like pork or chicken.

Health benefits of apple

Apples are full of incredible health benefits. Smokehouse apples are rich in polyphenols, resveratrol, and other healthy compounds to help control cholesterol, blood sugar, and fiber levels.

How to grow your own Smokehouse apple

If you want to add a Smokehouse applies to your home garden, there are a few important things to be aware of. They are grown in the same way as most apple varieties.


When mature, Smokehouse apple trees are 12 to 15 feet tall and 12 to 15 feet wide.


It’s a good idea to keep Smokehouse trees between 12 and 15 feet tall to ensure they have plenty of room to grow and expand.


Very few types of apples are self-fertilizing, and Smokehouse apples are no exception. In order for it to grow and succeed, it must be pollinated with one of the following apple varieties.

Delicious golden apple

Candy Crisp Apple

Apple Empire

Ben Davis Apple

when to plant

If you live in a cold climate and cold winters, you should plant apple trees in the spring. If you live in a warm climate where temperatures often don’t dip below freezing, you should plant it in the fall.

When is the harvest?

Even if you grow your own Smokehouse apple, it will take several years to grow and produce the fruit. The best time to harvest these delicious treats is from mid to late October.


Like all apple trees, there are many insects to be on the lookout for that will try to steal the fruit before you can enjoy it. the disease

Smokehouse apples are particularly susceptible to powdery mildew, scab, and fire blight but are resistant to cedar and apple rust.


Seriously pruning your apple tree is essential to its successful growth. This is especially important for Smokehouse apple trees, which are most productive when pruned religiously.

A final word on the smokehouse apple

If you’re not yet convinced of how good Smokehouse apples are, I’m not sure what to say. The smoker is a Pennsylvania-grown treasure that has been enjoyed for more than two centuries. There are still very few apples in production that can achieve a similar feat.

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