Buy green kiwifruit Types + Price

Buy green kiwifruit Types + Price

kiwi is the perfect fruit for humans because it is full of different vitamins and benefits, and there are various types such as green and golden on the market
Kiwis were first introduced to New Zealand in 1904 by a teacher named Isabelle Fraser who brought home kiwi seeds from a trip to China
Formerly known as the Chinese gooseberry, the kiwi was given the nickname “kiwi” by New Zealand fruit exporters in reference to the flightless kiwi endemic to New Zealand
Botanically, kiwi refers to berries
Actinidia deli and A
chinensis are the two most commonly consumed kiwifruit species
The most popular type of kiwi deliciosa is the Hayward kiwi, a green kiwi named after a man named Hayward Wright who popularized the kiwi in New Zealand in the 1920s
The kiwi fruit market is estimated to have a CAGR of 5
8% during the forecast period (2022-2027)
Travel restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic have made it difficult to transport kiwi fruits to local and regional markets
In these difficult times, consumers have turned to cheap fresh fruits and vegetables with good shelf life
Expensive and exotic fruits such as kiwifruit have faced tough market conditions during the COVID-19 outbreak
Rising demand in key markets, a boom in fruit juice production, and rising health awareness have driven the growth of the market
On the other hand, export-related trade barriers and higher prices in key markets pushed the market back
Kiwis are rich in essential nutrients such as vitamin E, copper, vitamin K, choline, magnesium, and phosphorus
The antioxidant properties of kiwi make it an attractive fruit and a natural remedy for all respiratory ailments
Growing public awareness of the health benefits has increased the demand for kiwi fruit

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kiwi fruit benefits

Kiwi is a fruit native to China and is known by the name “kiwi”
Kiwi is a species of climbing vine and is highly regarded as the national fruit of the country
Originally known as “Yang Tao”, kiwi is an oval fruit with a light brown color and chewy texture

Kiwi Fruit Has Antioxidant Properties

A kiwi provides significant amounts of vitamin C, as well as other phenolic and carotenoid components (pigments effective in photosynthesis), which have beneficial effects on health
A comparative study of fruits including kiwis, oranges, and grapefruits showed that kiwis have stronger antioxidant properties than other antioxidant fruits

Kiwi Promotes Heart Diseases

As mentioned earlier, kiwifruit contains protective polyphenols as well as vitamin C, vitamin E and potassium, which are effective in maintaining heart health

Kiwi Fruit Helps Improve Sleep Quality

Kiwis are a source of serotonin, which helps improve sleep
Research in this area has shown that eating green kiwi leads to good and sound sleep

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Kiwi Improves Iron Absorption

Another amazing benefit of kiwi fruit is its ability to absorb iron in the body
Kiwis are rich in vitamin C and other chemicals like lutein and zeaxanthin, which improve iron absorption and prevent iron deficiency in the body

Benefits of Kiwi for Digestive System

Kiwis help in maintaining a healthy digestive system
Kiwis are high in fiber, which helps with digestion and intestinal health
Kiwi stimulates the intestinal system to fight constipation
Other properties of fresh kiwi fruit include its anti-constipation properties

Properties of Kiwi for Pregnant Women

Kiwi is a suitable fruit for pregnant women due to its abundance of natural folate
Vitamin B9, known as folic acid, helps prevent neural tube defects in premature babies and is essential for their brain development and cognitive functions

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kiwi fruit market

The kiwifruit market is segmented geographically (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, South America, Middle East and Africa)
The report includes production (volume), consumption (volume and value), imports (volume and value), exports (volume and value) and analysis of price trends in all segments
The report includes market estimates and forecasts in terms of value (in thousands of US dollars) and volume (MT)
Demand for kiwi fruit is growing rapidly among consumers around the world, fueled by growing consumer interest in health and wellness
Compared to other fruits, kiwi is low in sugar and high in fiber
Therefore, this fruit is in great demand among consumers around the world, especially in the US and Europe
Higher income groups in these areas are also willing to pay extra money to maintain their health
Kiwis are rich in vitamin C and fiber
Eating golden kiwi provides 117% of your daily vitamin C needs and 21% of your fiber needs
The amount of vitamin C in kiwi is twice that of an orange or lemon
This tart fruit can support heart, digestive, and immune system health

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Thus, the increased benefits of this fruit outweigh its consumption
Thus, production is increased to meet demand
Kiwifruit production increased by 9
3% between 2017 and 2020
Similarly, kiwifruit cultivation increased by 6
8%, equivalent to 270,000 ha in 2020
Due to rising demand, production is expected to continue during the forecast period
China dominates the market in terms of production and consumption
According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the country’s production of kiwifruit in 2020 was 2,230
01 thousand tons, which is 256 times the production of the second largest producer
The kiwi harvested area increased from 182,566 ha in 2019 to 184,554 ha in 2020
In China, there has been a surge in demand for dried kiwi due to its health benefits and premium status
According to a Shenzhen-based kiwifruit expert, China is the world’s largest consumer of kiwifruit with 2
2 million tons and 57% of the world’s total consumption

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Green kiwi fruit benefits

Generally, there are two types of kiwis in the world green and gold, and both of fruit have the same benefits but different colors and tastes
There are some nutritional differences between golden kiwi and green kiwi
According to research, golden kiwi contains almost twice as much vitamin C, which is enough to meet your daily needs
As a bonus, this lovely fruit is great for the skin! In terms of dietary fiber, green kiwis contain 1
5 times more than their golden counterparts
The amount of fiber in one green kiwi is higher than in two bananas
It has clear benefits for digestion and gut health
It also lowers high cholesterol, thereby lowering the risk of heart problems
The taste of golden kiwi is mild and sweet because it contains a lot of fructose

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Although this natural fructose is six times sweeter than white sugar, it has little effect on blood sugar levels and is safe to consume
Its green cousin has a slightly coarser texture and less fructose, giving it the tangy flavour, we love so much
Why is the golden kiwi more expensive than the green kiwi?

Most of the golden kiwis we source from local markets are imported from New Zealand by cold chain air transport
Therefore, the total cost of transportation is higher, resulting in a higher selling price

Research and development
By the early 20th century, New Zealanders began to improve their kiwi variety
The acidity of the green kiwi has been replaced by the sweetness of the golden kiwi, but the advanced technology is also reflected in the price

Plantation environment
New Zealand is a world leader in garden management
Golden kiwi gardens are smaller than the green varieties, so more time and effort can be devoted to each golden kiwi
Windbreaks are also installed in orchards to protect valuable fruits from strong winds

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