The Lady Alice Apple Tree Is A Newcomer In Apple Family

A newcomer to the apple scene, Lady Alice’s apple variety has revolutionized the culinary world. In just a few decades, this apple has skyrocketed in popularity, making it a highly desirable and beloved addition to many recipes and snack cabinets. If you are interested in tasting it for yourself, or you are interested in learning all about its unique origins, you have come to the right place!

History of Lady Alice Apple growing at home

Due to its single-family farm origins, the Lady Alice apple is not currently available as root, scion wood, or seed. Consumers can try to grow from the seeds in the fruit itself, but historically, the potential to produce viable trees is low.

Where to buy Lady Alice Apples

Lady Alice’s apple is currently distributed and sold by Rainier Fruit in eastern Washington State, where it originated. Fortunately, for those eager to try these delicious and tasty little apples, there is hope – Rainier Fruit ships to the States!


The traditional varieties of Lady Alice apples are mainly found in wholesale distributors such as Costco and Sam’s Club; Consumers have also discovered an organic variety of Lady Alice available at select Whole Foods Market locations.

Lady Alice’s Apple Recipes

If you need some extra inspiration to make a delicious dish using your stock Lady Alice Apples, we’ve got you covered! Check out these awesome apple recipes we created on our website – Lady Alice’s Apples would play a big role in any of these!

Plus, Lady Alice’s apple goes with almost any traditional apple-based recipe – even delicious! Don’t be afraid to experiment and get creative when cooking or baking, using Lady Alice’s apple as an ingredient… your taste buds will thank you!

Coincidence Lady Alice

One of the sweetest fruits of chance, Lady Alice’s apple is a wonderful reminder of the good that can come from an accident or injury – a lesson you can really sink your teeth into!

While the name may suggest noble old beginnings—perhaps a queen—, Lady Alice Abel actually boasts more humble “roots”. The story goes that this beloved variety of apples was only introduced in the late 1970s, and originated in the United States, where a farmer in Glade, Washington, cut down one of his delicious red apple trees while plowing. ; This sudden effect and some chance of cross-pollination by a passing bee resulted in a new shoot that produced an apple that was unusual – and delicious!

The family named them Lady Alice after Alice Zirkle, the mother of their farming dynasty, who moved her family from the Shenandoah Valley to Washington in 1888…and the rest is history!

In the years since the family has preserved and promoted this opportunity to thrive in one of the most popular apple varieties available in their local area – an apple loved by all who can get hold of it. she!

Characteristics of Lady Alice Apple

Lady Alice Apple, of graceful beauty, tends to be small or medium in size with a round shape, usually squat. The skin is smooth and ranges from yellow to orange in undertones, with soft pink or reddish streaks all around, and a firm interior that ranges from pale yellow to dark cream.

Lady Alice has been compared to Honeycrisp in both taste and texture, with crisp, firm, juicy flesh and a distinct flavor that’s mostly sweet with a hint of acidity in the aftertaste.

Lady Alice’s Special

Let’s eat them

Lady Alice is truly a multi-purpose culinary apple. It’s strong enough to hold well for cooking and sweet enough for applesauce or applesauce puree. It makes a great ingredient when sliced ​​and cooked with butter, sugar, and cinnamon, or it can be used in your favorite apple pie or tart recipe;

It also holds up well in baking and cakes for a great textured ingredient, and it’s a sweet and tart balance that’s great for apple donuts. Some consumers have even used Lady Alice’s apples for unique recipes like apple mousse, with great results.

The most notable use of the Lady Alice apple is in its raw form in salads, fruit salads, and other similar dishes; Its flesh has a low oxidation rate, which means it won’t brown as quickly as some other apples, so it works great in raw recipes like these!

It’s also great for any type of fruit or charcuterie dish, and pairs well with lighter flavors like cheese spread and peanut butter, stronger flavors like balsamic sauce, salty summer or ham sausage, and more!

The sweet taste and strong texture of Lady Alice’s apple also make it an apple snack choice for kids and adults alike, without the pronounced acidity that can cause aversion to some snacks.

Best of all, this is an apple that really gets better with age! Consumers note that it tastes better only when stored, so keeping this snack on hand for up to 3 months will result in the tastiest, richest, and most complex snack ever.

Another advantage of the Lady Alice apple variety is that it has a late harvest and keeps for longer, making it a great apple for snacking or cooking in winter and spring!

Health benefits

Like most apples, Lady Alice contains many vitamins and minerals essential for overall health, including vitamins B and C and high amounts of potassium and iron. Additionally, Lady Alice is known for its high levels of pectin – an important and specific type of fiber – and key antioxidants such as quercetin, catechin, and chlorogenic acid.

All of these are very beneficial for personal health, and there is no better way to eat them than with a delicious Lady Alice’s apple! growing at home

Due to its single-family farm origins, the Lady Alice apple is not currently available as root, scion wood, or seed. Consumers can try to grow from the seeds in the fruit itself, but historically, the potential to produce viable trees is low.

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