livaux golden kiwi a proven food ingredient

Made from New Zealand’s non-GMO golden kiwi, Livaux is a scientifically proven supplement and functional food ingredient that offers a new strategy to improve the composition of the gut microbiome.

You can find Livaux on the labels of a wide range of health products. Our company can provide you with this delicious fruit all over the world with the highest quality.

read more: Organic Dried Fruit Wholesale Suppliers

Are you happy inside?

It is now known that the health of your digestive system can affect your overall health in many ways. In particular, you may be interested in taking care of the “gut microbiome,” the name was given to the large community of microorganisms that live in the gut.

The ultimate goal of gut microbiome management is to make sure you have the right balance of good bacteria so that you feel healthy every day and do your best to support your immune system.

Gut microbiome balance is known to be important in a variety of health conditions, including IBS, inflammatory bowel disease, colorectal cancer, diabetes, thyroid disease, asthma, and allergies.

Get the best balance with Livaux

Livaux is an innovative natural supplement based on non-GMO Golden New Zealand kiwifruit. Research shows that it helps some beneficial bacteria – Faecalibacterium prausnitzii (F. prau) – to thrive and heal.

This is a desirable position because the activity of F. prau increases the amount of butyrate in the body. Butyrate is an important short-chain fatty acid that is used as an energy source for cells throughout the body, including those that line the colon. Low levels of F. prau are associated with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).

Kiwis are available fresh, frozen or dried. Fresh and frozen varieties of kiwis are usually best, as dried kiwis often have a lot of added sugars. Regardless of the variety, check the ingredient list for frozen or dried varieties to make sure the product contains only fruit and nothing else.

Although the traditional kiwi has green flesh, there are several types of delicious kiwis. New York-based registered dietitian Sammy Haber Brondo, MS, RD, CDN, is a fan of the Zespri SunGold kiwi, which has yellow flesh and is sweeter than green kiwi.

Although all types of kiwi are rich in nutrients, the nutritional value of the golden kiwi is very impressive. Brondo says they are known to have the highest vitamin C content of any commonly consumed fruit (290% DV per serving).

Unlike green kiwis, Brondo says golden kiwis can be bitten off just like an apple. When you eat golden kiwi skin, you double the fiber content, from 2 to 4 grams per serving.

Kiwi is another type of kiwi that has gained popularity in recent times. About the size of a grape, these little kiwis have a smooth outer surface, making them perfect for a quick snack like grapes or blueberries. It has a wonderful aroma and is sold in the skin like other berries. This small fruit is also rich in vitamin C and many other nutrients.

Health Benefits of Golden Kiwi

  • May help maintain healthy skin and hair: Kiwis are a good source of vitamin C, a vital antioxidant that can naturally encourage the creation of collagen. Eating kiwis may therefore help maintain healthy skin and hair. The rich vitamin C concentration of kiwifruit can help your skin stay supple and youthful, and it can also help strengthen your hair.

There is a common misconception that oranges are the best source of vitamin C. In reality, a serving of kiwi (which consists of two small kiwis) has more vitamin C than a medium orange. Because the human body is unable to produce vitamin C on its own, consuming an adequate amount of this nutrient is critical in order to shield the body against potentially dangerous diseases.

Kiwis are an excellent source of fiber, which is important for preventing constipation and maintaining a healthy body. • May improve good digestion Kiwis are a good source of fiber, which is important for preventing constipation and maintaining a healthy body.

The green kiwi fruit contains a natural digestive enzyme called actinidin, which has the ability to improve the operation of both the stomach and the intestines by breaking down proteins.

  • May help you lose weight in a healthy way: This satisfying snack is low in calories and contains fiber, which makes you feel fuller for longer. Additionally, kiwi contains more than 90 percent water, which assists in keeping the body hydrated.
  • May help prevent chronic diseases and slow down the aging process. Kiwi, which is high in vitamin C, can help combat free radicals in the body thanks to its antioxidant properties. This not only promotes healthy aging but also helps prevent or even slow the development of chronic diseases such as cancer. and diseases of the heart
  • There’s a Chance It’ll Be Good for Mom and Baby: Folic acid is essential for supporting the development of a healthy brain and spine in infants, especially in the early stages of development. A delicious and nutritious snack option, kiwi, particularly the golden type, is an excellent source of folic acid and is also a delicious fruit.

A word of caution: Kiwis frequently provoke allergic reactions, particularly in the mouth, lips, tongue, and throat areas. If you eat kiwi fruit and then get tingling, itching, or tingling in these regions afterward, you may have an allergy to the fruit.

You should immediately stop eating the fruit and contact a doctor to have an allergy test confirmed. Kiwis are not appropriate for infant consumption until the child is at least eight months old.

How to eat kiwi?

In order to have a good taste of the kiwi, you must first thoroughly rinse it and then split it in half. Use a spoon to scrape out the insides, then consume them either whole or diced. You also have the option of using a paring knife to peel them carefully before chopping them up.

Because kiwi includes enzymes that can cause the fruit to become increasingly mushy, you shouldn’t let too much time pass after cutting the fruit before eating it. If you want the ideal combination of probiotics and prebiotics, according to Brondo, you should add kiwifruit to soaking water, add it to smoothies, use it as a salad, or mix slices of it with yogurt.

statistics about kiwi nutrition

Size of serving: 2 kiwis

90 calories

Fat: 1 g

0 mg of cholesterol

NaCl: 0 mg

22 g of carbohydrates

Sucrose: 13 g

4 g of fiber

6% DV for calcium

Fe: 2% DV

230% DV of vitamin C

2% DV of vitamin A

13% DV for potassium

Several kinds of kiwis

You can get kiwi fresh, frozen, or dried. The best kiwi varieties are typically those that are fresh or frozen, while dried kiwis frequently have a lot of added sugars. No matter the kind, make sure that any frozen or dry food only contains fruit by checking the ingredients list.

There are several varieties of wonderful kiwi fruit, despite the fact that the traditional variety contains green flesh. New York-based dietitian Sammy Haber-Brondo, MS, RD, CDN, loves Zespri SunGold kiwis because they have yellow flesh and are sweeter than green kiwis.

While kiwis of all varieties are packed with vitamins and minerals, golden kiwis stand out for their high nutritional content. They are recognized to contain the greatest vitamin C content of any frequently eaten fruit (290% DV per serving), according to Brondo.

Brondo claims that golden kiwis can be eaten like an apple, in contrast to green kiwis. The amount of fiber in a serving of golden kiwi peel doubles, rising from 2 to 4 grams.

Another variety of kiwi that has become more well-known recently is kiwi berries. These tiny kiwis have a smooth surface, are roughly the size of a grape, and are ideal for a quick snack like blueberries or grapes. Like other kinds of berries, they are sold in the peel and have a great aroma. Additionally loaded with minerals, including vitamin C, is this little berry.

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