Green star apple fruit remains white to meet the requirements

Thanks to the high content of vitamin C and antioxidants that prevent oxidation, Green star apple remains white even after cutting! As a result, Greenstar fruit meets all the requirements of both consumers and fruit producers.

If you’re looking for a tasty, thirst-quenching booster that stays white when crushed, Greenstar is a perfect choice.

Have you ever eaten a star apple? If not, then these delicious fruits are definitely worth a try.

The star apple is not really an apple, but a tropical fruit common in South America and Asia. In the United States, it is usually found only in Hawaii and Florida (great to enjoy on vacation!) The outside of the fruit is dark purple and round shaped like an apple. When opened, the edible pulp is soft and milky, and the seeds are star-shaped. Because of their sweet taste, star apples are often used in fruit salads and desserts.

Fruit is not the only temptation here! The tree itself is very beautiful. The tips of the leaves are glistening bright green and the underside has a beautiful shade of gold. This has a seductive effect as the leaves sway in the wind. For this reason, star apple trees are excellent ornamental plants and fruit producers.

All about star apples

The tropical plant Chrysophyllum cainito usually only grows in its native country, and in Hawaii and South Florida. If you live in zones 10-11, this tree could be for you. Unfortunately, they are not suitable for growing indoors.

Mature trees can reach 25 meters or more. With proper trimming, they can be trained to be a little smaller. The canopy is round and dense, making it an excellent source of shade. Also, you rarely drop fruit! If a strong wind does not carry the fruits, they remain on the plant and are dried into hard round balls.

In late summer and autumn, it produces cone-shaped clusters of white and purple flowers. The harvest is ready in late winter or early spring. These trees are self-fertile, meaning they do not need a second tree for pollination.

The cainito is said to have a distinct smell at night when it attracts nocturnal pollinators. The smell has been variously described as “earthy” or “dirty”. This attracts the right insects for pollination.

Chrysophyllum cainito is often erroneously called Caimito. This means that it is often confused with Pouteria caimito, also known as Abiu. These are very different varieties, so keep that in mind when buying a plant.

my seed

As your star apple grows, make sure it has a stable environment in which to thrive. If you give it the special care of a young tree, it will be rewarded with delicious fruit!

when to plant?

This species is usually grown from seed, but can also be purchased as a seedling. When buying a seedling, choose a young, healthy seedling. Older people are more likely to be connected to their roots. It can be planted anytime from spring to autumn, even in winter in warmer regions.

Where do you plant?

Zones 10-11 have the right climate to grow this plant. It needs an open place with little wind. Strong winds can tear leaves and damage the plant, especially young shoots. They do not grow well when grown indoors.

Choose an area with full or partial sun. Cainito can be planted as an ornamental plant in a large strong pot, but it will not produce much fruit. When planted in the ground, it can be quite large and require a lot of space. 10-25 feet between trees is recommended.

How to plant?

The seeds germinate easily and can be stored for several months. Place them about an inch deep in a small container kept outdoors. After the seeds have taken root and begin to actively grow, they can be transplanted into the ground or into a larger container.

If you decide to start with a new tree, you can plant it directly in the ground. Make a hole 3 times wider and deeper than the root ball. Once you’ve done that, fill in the hole until it’s the right size. It seems counterintuitive, but it will loosen the soil enough for roots to grow easily.

You can now put the star apple in the hole and fill in the rest of the ground. Lightly press the top to remove large air bubbles. If necessary, you can place stakes on either side of the trunk and use natural fiber ropes or strips of fabric to support the tree. Avoid using narrow wires as they can cut the bark.


Once planted in the right environment, they are easy to care for! Here are our top tips for making star apple a success.

Light and temperature

As a tropical plant, the canito needs sun and warmth. It can handle partial light well but is not flexible when it comes to temperature. Low temperatures and frosts even damage the plant. Young trees are the most vulnerable to frost damage.

The temperature must remain above 40°F at all times. Anything colder can cause leaf loss.

Water and humidity

It has cainito, which means it releases moisture through its bark the same way humans sweat. Hot weather increases sweating, so plenty of water is needed. Water your tree at least once a week for the first 6 months after planting, and more often if the soil dries out quickly. After that, you can water less often, but still abundantly. Soot pipes can provide slow and even moisture circulation.

Do not water in late fall and early winter as the tree prepares to bloom. When flowering, it needs regular watering to increase yields.

Keep in mind that the star apple tree does not need very moist soil. With constant watering, the roots can rot.


This variety is quite versatile when it comes to soil and pH. It grows well in different types of soil. However, the soil should have good drainage. Otherwise, the tree can easily fall.

Mulching is optional, but it keeps moisture from evaporating from the soil and keeps weeds away. Plant 3 to 6 inches deep in a circle that roughly mimics the width of the tree canopy. Leave at least 6 inches of space between the lid and the trunk itself to prevent rot damage.


Some tropical regions have very fertile soils that do not need to be amended. However, if your soil is poor, you may need additional fertilizer. This should only be applied to the soil surface and not underground after the tree has been planted.

Fertilize once every two months for the tree’s first year of life. Then, fertilize only once per season. A standard fruit tree fertilizer should work well for this plant.

Alkaline soils can prevent this plant from absorbing iron and other nutrients. If you see yellow leaves, it’s called chlorosis and is often the result of iron deficiency. Chelated iron can provide enough iron to keep the tree green and healthy.


Pruning is necessary to maintain the ideal size of the cainito chrysophyll. Since the fruits do not drop at maturity, store them at a height where you can harvest them. Trim every 1-3 years as needed to maintain shape. When the tree is mature, you need to maintain the canopy of the bush, which will increase the yield.

When the seedling is young, a mature, healthy, and long-lived tree is formed. This species often develops several stems. Choose the healthiest of these trunks to leave the others and cut them at ground level, making a single-stemmed tree.

Sterilize clippers or trimmers before cutting. This reduces the spread of plant diseases.


Star apple trees can be grown from seed, although it takes 5 to 10 years to produce fruit.

Mature stem cuttings take root well. Follow standard cutting plant care practices to try to get them to take root. Some correct hormones can be helpful.

If you have an old plant that has lost branches due to damage but is still healthy, grafting new branches onto old rootstock is a good option. This method is usually very effective.

Chrysophyllum cainito can also be grafted onto sateen (Chrisophyllum oliviforme L.). The result is a smaller plant, growing slowly, so this method is not always advisable.


Mature plants bear fruit in late winter-early summer. The fruits don’t often fall out on their own, so everything has to be picked by hand. Star apples only ripen on the tree, so pick them when they’re ready!

When ripe, the product is dull in color, slightly soft, and slightly wrinkled. If the skin is shiny, it is not fully ripe yet.

Immature fruits have sticky white spots of edible latex on the inside. Fully ripe meat should be soft and sweet, with no sticky latex.

Remove the milk fruit by cutting it from the tree. Removing it can damage stems and branches.

In one season, these trees can produce up to 150 pounds of fruit. Get ready for a great selection!


Fresh star apples are best, but they don’t last long. They keep well in the fridge for around 2-3 weeks. Cold air slows down the ripening process, and extends the life of the fruit, but does not stop it. Slightly unripe fruit may not fully ripen when refrigerated.

Sliced ​​fruit stored in a plastic bag in the fridge will keep for about a week. If not cut open, it can be stored in an open plastic bag in the fridge for several weeks. The pulp can be frozen, but the texture will change slightly.

For long-term storage, look for canned recipes that can be stored in a more traditional way. Dehydration or sublimation is not often used, but there are recipes for frozen sorbets and jellies. Because of its high sugar and water content, it can spoil quickly after harvest if not stored in this way.

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