Golden kiwi orchards expected to double in New Zealand

Global demand for golden kiwi is expected to double by 2025 in New Zealand, so kiwi production is a great place to work in this country. New Zealand real estate has more orchards, and occasional scenes to match the production rate, and there is real potential for a great return on investment and a strong return when the crop is ready to harvest.

If you want to create your own kiwi garden and be a part of the kiwi success story, read on. We’ve put together a list of key points to consider to help ensure the success of your garden project.

  1. Collaboration with the developer of Kiwi Gardens

When you create a new kiwi garden and enter the market, make sure that you start with the most profitable and effective path. And this is where we can help.

Working with an experienced kiwi horticulturist can help you avoid common mistakes and make the right decision for long-term success. Southern Cross Horticulture is one of the newest additions to integrative kiwi garden developers. We offer a unique solution – from soil selection and planning to complete orchard construction and management, with as little or as much involvement as you want.

We can work with you from start to finish or focus on any part of the landscaping process. If you own all of Southern Cross’s facilities, including construction crews and nurseries, you don’t have to outsource your yard to outside contractors.

You benefit from cost effectiveness, time savings, and quality control. This approach to building a Sungold garden allows you to create an asset that produces crops much faster than the industry average while being completely sustainable and designed for long-term success.

This is the business model we believe in at Southern Cross Horticulture.

  1. Choose the country

Finding the right hose part to hibernate kiwi is a quick step towards maximum product performance and release. Many factors need to be considered, including local climate, irrigation options, site size and shape, soil composition, and water/moisture levels.

At Southern Cross Horticulture, we bring together experts from across the industry to help you choose the best soil based on these considerations.

Whether you already own land or want to convert a dairy farm into a kiwi garden, Southern Cross Horticulture is ideal for turning your property into a profitable asset that will help you grow your first crop in record time.

We challenge ourselves to try and test methods to maximize yields from even challenging traits and produce excellent yields even under challenging growing conditions.

  1. Planning and Design

While it’s tempting to start building right away, it’s a good idea to take the time to plan and set up your kiwi garden. Creating a new garden that maximizes fruiting potential requires careful consideration and planning to get it right the first time. So, what are the aspects to consider in your plan?

The bad news is that there is no universal approach to garden design. The best design, infrastructure, and planting plan will depend on several factors, including the size of your property, soil composition, expected harvest time, and others.

The good news is that you can take advantage of our in-depth knowledge and experience. Southern Cross Horticulture has been in horticulture for decades.

We have pioneered a number of industrial innovations, including the use of greenhouses, canopies over entire gardens, and the development of special farming techniques.

In collaboration with you, we can help you create the perfect design for your garden. We can take responsibility for all aspects of park development from resource planning and coordination to project management and task sequencing to achieve optimal results.

  1. Construction

Once your kiwi garden plan and design have been approved, you can move on to the construction phase. Our in-house construction teams put us in control of the entire value chain, including the planning, construction, and management of your garden. No need to hire outside contractors, which simplifies the construction process, provides cost-effectiveness, and saves time.

With an emphasis on quality and durability, our experts bring your plans to life. Southern Cross Horticulture builders are experienced in a variety of building methods, canopy design and management, and efficient vineyard structures that provide the physical foundation for your Sungold Kiwi plants to thrive.

  1. Nursery

The quality and hardiness of true kiwi plants can make or break a new kiwi garden. Quality, durability, and on-time delivery are crucial for garden development and kiwi plants must meet these criteria.

This is the only way to ensure a fast harvest time and increase the final yield and the future capacity of the orchard. Investing in quality plants from a trusted nursery pays off.

At Southern Cross Horticulture we grow young plants in a large network of tightly closed greenhouses. Our growers have perfected our unique breeding process to ensure Southern Cross plants are always of the highest quality and delivered on time.

Our factories are growing bigger and faster than usual in the industry, providing a strong foundation on which we build our business. With our plants, you can be sure that your Sungold garden will produce excellent results.

  1. Registration

Even the strongest and most vigorous plants will not be able to develop unless the right growing conditions are created. It is very important to create a perfect root environment for your plants to flower and quickly form a fertile canopy. As part of this, you need to consider soil composition, nutrients, watering, and pruning.

By offering the highest quality plants based on your choice, Southern Cross Horticulture gives you the fastest way to harvest with a wide margin. It all starts with healthy, strong, large plants that can grow quickly in the garden. The time of year plays a role and it is important to plan ahead for construction and finishing according to seasonal needs.

  1. Management

Whether you want to be directly involved in the development of your garden or let us take the whole process off your hands, we are ready to support you in creating a world-class kiwi garden.

We are manufacturers ourselves and have learned for decades what works and what does not. We now bring you the management strategies we have used in our successful gardens, as well as the trade secrets that we have developed over the years.

Southern Cross Horticulture, New Zealand’s leading and fully integrated kiwi garden developer, is your one-stop shop for all gardening activities. Our management team brings together extensive experience from across the industry.

We can tailor our services to your needs. We are passionate about this industry and work hard to ensure your garden lives up to its potential. We focus on achieving an excellent first harvest and plan the development and management of the orchard to achieve long-term results.

  1. Gardens That Multiply Your Wealth Fastest

It takes some time to establish a productive kiwi garden, but some gardeners are able to begin harvesting their fruit sooner than others. A lot rides not only on the strength and resilience of your plants but also on the timing of your planting and the method you decide to use for rooting them.

Horticultural gardens in Southern Cross often yield first crops at a rate that is significantly higher than the industry average for 21-month agricultural operations.

We feel that the key to success in cultivating a Sungold garden is to not only achieve faster and larger harvests but also to do so in a way that is environmentally friendly.

We are in it for the long haul and will not make concessions in any way, shape, or form during the development phase of the garden so that you can benefit from high-performing assets for many years to come. Our method of cultivating kiwis results in faster positive cash flow and more consistent performance over the long term for our customers.

Discover more about the ways in which our company can help you get a high return on investment with the Golden Kiwi Gardens.

By 2025, it is expected that the global demand for golden kiwis will have expanded by a factor of

two; hence, the kiwi-producing industry in New Zealand is an ideal place to find work. There are more orchards and occasional scenes in New Zealand real estate to match the production rate, and there is the potential for a spectacular return on investment as well as a substantial return once the crop is ready for harvest.

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